Monday, October 19, 2009

Long Time No See

I haven't posted in awhile i blame it on school. So i was sitting with me friends when we brought up why obama won the nnoble peace prize. Mind you my friends a self proclaimed democrat.

He goes " Hey Luke you see obama's a great man he got the noble prize."
He tries to go on but i cut him off.
Me " And john who gave this to him . . . the same guys who gave that lunatic of a man Al Gore his."
He replies "uhh well you don't understand he has a great foreighn policy."
I go "please explain. . ."
what do i get back " he avoided war and now a lot of nations like us."
I slap my face and say " Then whats wrong in afghanistan?" i pause "according to you we are pulling out and you pin all the blame on Bush . . ."
