Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Not all of it is bad

America is the best country on earth. Our health care system is numero uno in the world. why change it? I can see them tweaking it a little but, changing it completely? To me its just Bringing us one step closer to socialism.


  1. Well, as much as I agree that Obama is not what this country needs right now, I do think our healthcare system should be fixed, but not in the way they're doing it. I think that if we're having people run to Canada to get their medication, something is definately wrong. people shouldn't have to go to other countries to get what can be supplied here in America.

  2. People from all around the world come to america because, our health care system is among the best. Canada's health system is to close to what the president is trying to push here.

  3. I completely agree with the author of the post! I think that healthcare could be tweaked a little, but we do have the best healthcare around.

    I do not think people should be entitled to healthcare. I think being taken care of is something that motivates us all to get a job. If we could all get everything free there would be no reason to work, then we would run out of everything!

    I wish people would just stop feeling like the world owe's them just for being alive!

  4. The People should have to pay for thier own health care with the money that they have worked for. This is a way for Americans to have a sense of self fufillment in the fact they did this for themselves not everyone else. With obama's plan we would have to pay even more taxes. didn't he say something about lowering them during his run for presidencey?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Agreed that America has the best resources when it comes to healthcare. I have often heard of people going to America to be able to have some complex surgery or operation. I do wish that the principles originally held here in the UK still stood - Healthcare for all. It is crumbling away decade by decade. So I think 'everybody' should be entitled to it, personally I think it should be a human right. It's not that the world owes them - it is more our duty to care for others in pain or difficulty no matter their ability tp pay for it.

  7. I think your on a touchy subject but, as good sumaritans we could stand up for them and put them back on thier feet. WE need to make it so they can work on there own even if it means putting them through training classes.

  8. Care to give any concrete stats, facts or evidence supporting "Our health care system is numero uno in the world." How do you qualify "numero uno"?

  9. Like i said we are the leaders in diasease research and control. The CDC in atlanta georgia and the army's USAMRID. They both are top contributors on the worlds war against diasease. you can also look up statistics. ehile most sites are biaist you may be able to find something here:


    The united states is a free country and the government does not have to tell us what health care we should have.

  10. i hope that answers your question adam. if you take the time to look it up and draw your own conclusion. I hope you don't follow anyone blindly.

  11. So, you are saying that the best health system is the one with the best disease research and control? Isn't the CDC ran by the government? Looks like they are doing the best job in the world then.

    Also, there isn't any proposal currently out there that will dictate what health care you should have. The proposal is for a public OPTION. NOT mandatory government coverage.

    So what is it about our private health care system that makes it the best in the world? You still haven't answered how you have qualified "best".

