Thursday, September 17, 2009

Say no Average Joe

We are the middle men where we earn a living. We take time to do what really matters like take care of our family and keep our bills payed. Wait I'm lieing what really matters is our rights to do those things are at stake unless we do something to fix it. We have to hold our selves up and say no to an unjust government. Is anyone going to do anything in the liberal states like New Jersey and California?

I'm trying but, for me to organize anything is just about impossible.


  1. what we need to do is stop being so selfish and playing the blame game. We are so divided that we as a whole (USA) aren't helping anyone, we are delaying help. We all believe we can do a better job, come up with a better reform etc.. I say if you hate your government so much run for office, change it. We live in America, anything is possible! I am tired of people complaining about our government.

    We haven't learned anything from the great depression and that is sad. Your blogging, in tough times like these would you give up your computer to help another? Change should come from the inside, start with yourself first. The world isn't a comic book, sorry no superhero's are going to save the day. We have to help eachother and try to be better unselfish humans.

  2. good call Lucia. Bitching doesn't do any good. Action does. You can't want change. You can't think about change. You actually have to (sorry, I know it's overplayed) be the change, and make it happen. Even if you don't agree with his policies, you must admire the fact that Obama got off his ass and did something about the change he wanted to see happen.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sannyasa, glad to see you completely missed the point.

  5. I'm thinking of going to law school and getting a degree in law some where. Then, MAYBE i'll run for office. Right now I'm just a bit too young.

  6. You don't have to run for political office to make real change happen in the world.

  7. I agree 100% we work hard every day and always try to do what is right but in the end we are the ones who end up paying.Fairness goes out the window when they look at the middle class. All the entitlements are set up for the poor and rich meanwhile we get nada.Please take a look at my blog if you get a chance

  8. If you want to help this country, we need to get it together. I go to every political protest around me. Divided we fall, but united we stand!

