Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I thought the gun ban thing was over?

You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass. -Isoroku Yamamoto. He was a fleet admiral in world war two. This is what he wrote in his own journal. I can see how this would be true with statistics like: states The united states has. 90 guns for every 100 citizens. Now take these away and we lose our sense of security. What do you think?


  1. I think this is what separates us form the rest of the world, i will not relinquish my shot gun, as that is the only weapon that i own, and that one is for my own personal protection, i do own a large portion of property, and sometimes a shot in the dark olves the problem.

  2. What gun ban are you talking about?

  3. THe gun ban laws the liberals and even some democrats are stil trying to push.

  4. Which piece of legislation that is currently before Congress are you talking about? I'm sure you must have researched this, could you point out where you found it?

  5. read what this has to say and branch of from thr. while its been a law its what i have been talking about for awhile.

  6. Well, this is clearly NOT talking about a gun ban, or taking away anyone's guns. This is a law that was inacted that made open carry illegal in National Parks. Personally I don't agree with it, but I imagine the reasoning behind it was the same as when here in WA they don't permit open carry in bars. I would like to be able to carry a firearm in the National Forrest here for protection from Cougars. But clearly, no one is talking about taking away anyone's firearms here. Bad example.

