Monday, August 31, 2009

Town Hall Meetings

My father and i were going to a town hall for obama care and we thought it was free. When we got there they asked us for our tickets... Man we were pissed. we as in the hundred or so other people they turned away. We checked the website (which i'm not sure is up anymore) it said nothing about having tickets. Weird huh?


  1. Not wierd at all man!
    This is a tactic to show the media that everyone agrees to it. Pack the hall with sapporters, put actors(out of control nuts)
    the madia points focus on that, and everyone stays quiet in fear that they alone opose these policies.. The people are cowards and unorganized.

  2. We were all under the impression it was an open town hall. We tried to walk in and were stoped by the police on the grounds we don't have a ticket. We were not aloud to loiter so even if we were organized there was nothing we could do.

  3. thats when you get eeryone you know to get off their lazy ass and go to the town hall. Police arrest you an your for loitering. good. Now arrest the 5,000 other people just loitering also !
    sadly this is a world where they say they care and they want to help, but after thier sports team wins, and after they play one more video game/ :(

